


Here is a more in-depth breakdown of my editing packages. My main focus is Developmental Editing (the big picture stuff!). Please feel free to contact me to discuss your project or if you are unsure what kind of edit you need. I like to personalise my edits to each person and their manuscript.

Don’t forget to contact me for your free sample edit as well. It’s important that author and editor are a good fit and are on the same page!

I charge by the word, not the hour, and I use Google Docs and Track Changes to complete my edits.

free sample edit

Please include your title, a brief description or your current working blurb and the first 1000 words of your manuscript.

After we have discussed your project I will do a free sample edit, so that I can get an idea of your style and needs. It is also so that you can get an idea of my editing styles and suggestions. Be sure to let me know of any areas you struggle with or want me to focus on.

Developmental edit

If you're either still early on and haven't been through many drafts, or have been through several, but feel stuck and as though you need some help, then this is the package for you.

I will provide a 'chapter-by-chapter' edit or a ‘line-by-line’ edit, depending on pre-edit discussions. As well as extended editor's notes at the end of the manuscript that will discuss my edits, suggestions and the strengths and weaknesses of the text. I will also provide practical recommendations for improvement.

manuscript assessments

Not ready for an in-depth edit yet? Maybe you haven't begun any editing yet, maybe you don't have any idea where to begin, or you're just not sure whether you're ready to commit to the full editing journey yet.

Manuscript evaluations are a great starting point. Similar to developmental editing, I will read through your manuscript looking at plot, characters, and pacing. I will provide a detailed outline of the strengths and weaknesses, and again, practical recommendations on how to move forward, without chapter or in-text edits.


Not ready yet? Still writing that first draft? Check out my little blog for some tips, dicussions and ideas!