Writing Prompts #1

Don’t want to work on the manuscript? Don’t have a manuscript? Use these prompts to keep your writing skills sharp. Flesh out ideas and characters, try a new style, and just get that one idea that may never be a full manuscript down on paper.

Theme: Character relationships.

Write a scene where character A reveals an embarrassing secret about themselves to character B, who already knew it.

(A great way to flesh out relationship dynamics.)

Describe the first time character B saw character A.

(A great exercise to write from an alternative character’s perspective if you’re writing in first person or limited third person.)

Write a dialogue-heavy scene where character B is trying to break some bad or sad news to Character A, but character A is in a great mood—something really good just happened to them.

(Another great way to flesh out character dynamics, but also to explore how your characters deal with and express their emotions.)

Write a scene from character C’s perspective as they watch Characters A and B interact, noticing for the first time the chemistry the two have.

(A great way to explore your main romance/relationship from an outside perspective.)

Share your excerpts in the comments, or keep them for yourself!


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